#GirlTalk | The Girls Preparatory School Blog

A Q&A with Jazelyn Hogg '13

Written by GPS Blog | Feb 26, 2021 1:30:00 PM

From a young age, it was clear Jazelyn Hogg ’13 was going to make a difference in the lives of others. She spent her time at GPS giving back through clubs such as the African American Alliance, Teen Perspectives, Healthy Relationships, and Community Service Council, and her senior quote, one from Audrey Hepburn, was even dedicated to her service-minded spirit: “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands: the first for helping yourself, the second for helping others.” Today, Hogg is a mental health therapist in Chattanooga and is also working to complete her doctorate in education and leadership at Trevecca Nazarene University.

Q. How did you get into what you’re doing now? Did you always know you wanted to become a therapist? 

A. I always knew I wanted to help others in finding solutions to their problems and accomplishing their goals, but I did not think about becoming a therapist until my senior year of college.

Q. Why are you passionate about what you do?

A. Taking care of our mental health and wellbeing is key. Being able to help people navigate through that and support them on the journey to self-improvement is very rewarding—it reminds me why I pursued therapy in the first place.

Q. What’s the best piece of advice you got during your time at GPS? 

A. Anything can be achieved with the right amount of effort and consistency. Remaining focused is the key to having long-term success.

Q. If you could offer one piece of advice to current GPS students, what would it be? 

A. Be always yourself. Do not let the world put limitations on you. Be intentional about your goals and ambitions.

Q. Do you stay in touch with your classmates? What impact have they had on your life?

A. I stay in touch with the same group of friends I had in middle school and high school. They have kept me encouraged and motivated over the years and inspire me to grow every day. I am very thankful to remain close to them for over a decade.

Q. Can you point to anything that GPS did to prepare you for your future?

A. GPS prepared me for life by holding me accountable for the effort I put toward my goals. This applies to academics as well as all areas of my life. I was able to develop discipline and eliminate my bad habit of procrastination. Of course, when I was in high school, I did not appreciate the workload and hours of studying. However, when I arrived at college, I realized how prepared I was in comparison to others, not just for college but for life.

Q. What is a GPS girl to you? 

A. To me, a GPS girl is bold, unapologetic, and fearless. She knows who she is and where she is headed.

Q. What is your proudest accomplishment thus far? 

A. My proudest accomplishment thus far was being accepted into the doctoral program at Trevecca Nazarene University.

Q. Are there any quotes that really resonate with you/guide you in your daily pursuits? 

A. “It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to has power over you.”—Leon Brown, author